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Monday, April 8, 2013

Healthy Food

Ten essential healthy food

The key to a healthy diet is variety. Try to incorporate these foods into your diet. Eating healthy food does not mean bland flavors should be: these ingredients can be used to build an array of meals that are tasty and good for you.

1. Yogurt

This delicious dairy product is rich in vitamins and nutrients. According to a study from the University of Tennessee, yogurt can help people lose weight while preserving muscle.

 Other studies have found yogurt can boost your immune system, prevent yeast infections and stop bad breath. Replace the frozen yogurt ice cream as dessert choices.

2. Olive Oil

Extensive medical research has shown that the benefits of olive oil can go well beyond its wonderful taste. 

A study by Greek scientists from the University of Athens in 2004 showed that monounsaturated oil, which is rich in antioxidants, may be the key to the healthy Mediterranean diet means a lower risk of heart attacks, diabetes and colon cancer.

3. Beans

You throw them in a salad or add them to a burrito, beans are low in calories, high in fiber ingredient. Packed with antioxidants, proteins and iron, beans may be the final food healthy.

 A USDA report in 2005 said they may even reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Because beans are a complex carbohydrate, they provide a lot of energy while regulating blood sugar.

4. Nuts

When life gets busy, it's too easy to skip meals or cut corners.

 Grabbing a handful of nuts is a convenient way to ensure that you get enough protein. As olive oil, nuts are an excellent source of heart-healthy monounsaturated oil and antioxidant-rich, bone-building magnesium. Add chopped nuts to a salad or cashew stir-fry for.

5. Spinach

This leafy green is one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat. Spinach is often rich in a variety of nutrients such as calcium, iron, potassium, vitamins A, K and C. 

A study published in 2004 by the Journal of Nutrition found that spinach fights prostate cancer, while other studies have shown spinach can protect vision and support cardiovascular health.

6. Barley

In addition to being a staple soup, barley is a cereal cholesterol rich in fiber and niacin. Barley also produces butyric acid, a fatty acid that fights colon cancer. Try mixing barley flakes in your morning cereal for a healthy breakfast.

7. Garlic

Been used for centuries to ward off all evil spirits of vampires, garlic is rich in vitamins C and B6, and it contains powerful anti-bacterial and anti-viral drugs that help fight colds and flu.

 Regular consumption of garlic is also supposed to protect against cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

8. Fish

Studies have shown that fish is one of the healthiest foods in the world. 

Fatty fish such as salmon is rich in protein, niacin and omega-3, an essential fatty acid that promotes cardiovascular health activity. Omega-3s may also protect against a host of health problems from obesity to sunburns.

 A 2005 study published by the Archives of Neurology affirms that eating fish once a week may even slow the rate of cognitive decline

9. Tomatoes

Fiber-rich tomatoes are low in calories and rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and cancer prevention lycopene. As olive oil, tomatoes are an important part of the Mediterranean diet boasted.

 Several studies have shown the tomatoes are also beneficial in the fight against various forms of cancer. Facts: Although often classified as a vegetable, tomatoes are technically fruits.

10. Lawyers

The nutrients in this cream, scandalously rich tasting vegetables read as a list of essentials for a healthy diet: cholesterol-lowering monounsaturated fat, fiber, copper, potassium and vitamins C, K and B6. Add chopped avocado to a salad, or mash lawyers to make guacamole

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