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Monday, April 8, 2013

False mythos

False myths of pregnancy

The world is full of old wives tales that have been considered and followed for so long that they eventually become truths. It's confusing to try to understand what is truth and what is myth. Let's take a look at the truth behind the pregnancy and the many myths that go with it too.

I suppose if you asked, "Why can not I get pregnant", you've done your research. You've read the blogs, articles, books, magazines, and suggestions of friends, etc. and you still can not get pregnant.

 This is quite impressive and frustrating trying to soak in all the information. It is even more difficult to say which is real or not.

The truth is that sometimes, someone could perform a myth, but it works! Sometimes it has nothing to do with the myth practiced, but the truth of the situation. 

Just fell into place and it worked. So the question remains how do you separate the myths from the facts? This answer starts here.

Stop Worrying So Much Myth

    Do not worry about getting pregnant so much. How to get a better chance of conceiving is that if you do not think about it and just let it go.

Is it even possible? If it's on your mind, it's on your mind. Say it is possible to simply forget to get pregnant, there is no clinical evidence that supports this belief. It is known that stress is bad too.

 In rare cases these mass amounts of stress can lead to mental and physical changes in the body that can affect the ability to ovulate.

Some might argue that thinking about this too leads to know when a person is most fertile, the best time to conceive is, what kind of food should be taken to help with pregnancy, etc. ..

 All these things are good which means to worry might actually be useful.

Before ovulation drink Robitussin

    If you drink Robitussin before ovulation it will make you more fertile.

The myth is that the ingredient Robitussin, guaifenesin, helps to thin the cervical mucus as it does for the mucus in the lungs.

 This makes it easier for sperm to pass through the cervix and reach the egg. 
Guaifenesin causes mucus to be thinner, but it is not proved that the thin mucus increase fertility. Quantity and consistency of the mucus is important and Robitussin does not change.

Having sex during the day

    You will get pregnant easily if you have sex during the day and keep the lights on.

Studies have shown that sperm levels are higher in the morning, but there is no clinical evidence that proves keep the lights on is a viable way to increase fertility.

 This does not mean that you should have sex during the day. The time of day does not matter when you want sex.

Have Sex Every Day

    When you have sex every day it will help your chances of getting pregnant.

You had sex 20 times in one day, but it might not result in pregnancy. 

This is because it is timed with ovulation. Major studies have also shown that they found no difference in the success rate of pregnancy among couples having sex every day couple making love every two days.

You do not know when the best time to conceive would it be? Visit our ovulation calendar to help calculate ovulation.

How to control the sex of the baby

    If you want a boy, have sex at the beginning of the fertile period. If you want a girl to have sex later in the fertile period.

It is believed that the boy sperm will swim faster than girl sperm. Extensive studies have shown that this old myth is just that ... a myth.

Riding Bike Reduced sperm count

    The number of male sperm is lowered when they go biking.

This myth is not clinically proven, but if the man happens to be a professional cyclist who travels long distances it may be possible that the increase in heat, aggressive movement and correct testicles could change fertility.

Bananas make men sterile

    Men who eat non-organic bananas eventually be sterile.

This myth comes from a report that the chemicals that are sprayed on bananas to help grow causing negative effects on sperm count agricultural workers.

 However, there is no clinical evidence that proves that men who eat bananas that have been sprayed with low sperm count.

Use an ice pack to increase fertility in men

    Place an ice pack on the genitals of a man can help increase fertility.

This myth is based on facts. The fact is that sperm count increases when the temperature is cool. 

This is why men who are trying to conceive are told to wear boxers, avoid hot baths, saunas, long hot baths. The only problem with this myth is that it takes at least two months for the sperm count of a man to be positively affected by cool temperatures.

The information here is for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice from a medical professional. Do not use this information for treating a health problem or disease without talking to your doctor.

Emily is a consultant author, researcher, nutritionist and health. She found the ultimate solution pregnancy permanently guaranteed reverse the root of infertility, help you get pregnant quickly and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, without the use of prescription drugs and without interventions surgery.

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