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Thursday, May 2, 2013

woman health

Women’s Health

Women and men share many similar health
Problems but women also have their own health

Issues, which deserve special consideration.

Women's lives have changed over the centuries.

Historically, life was particularly difficult for most

Aside from the numerous dangers and
Diseases, women became wives and mothers
Often when they were just emerging from their own

Many women had a multitude of Pregnancies which may or may not have been
Wanted. In the past, childbirth itself was risky and not infrequently, led to the death of the mother.

 Most Women in the past did not live long enough to be concerned about
Menopause Or old age.

In 1900, a woman's life span was about 50 years. Now, in the new millennium, life expectancy for American women are 82 years of age, and continuing to rise. Not only are women living longer, but they Also have the possibility of enjoying a better quality of life throughout their span of years.

 But to do this, It is essential that women take charge of their own bodies and comprehend how they can maximize Their health and fitness.
It is also helpful that men understand and are supportive of the health concerns
Of the women.

Gynecology is the primary branch of medical science concerned with women's health issues.

The word "Gynecology" is a word consisting of "Gyneco," meaning "worm
A," and "logic," meaning "knowledge." Taken together, it is "woman knowledge."
It is important that every woman has access to knowledge related to the spectrum of women's health Issues, not only about her reproductive system, but about all aspects of her body.

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