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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Pregnancy Facts

Introduction to pregnancy symptoms:

Most women equate a missed menstrual period with the possibility of being pregnant, but other symptoms and signs are experienced by most women in the early stages of pregnancy.
It is important to remember that not all women will experience all of these symptoms or have symptoms to the same degree.
 Even the same woman can have different types of symptoms of a subsequent pregnancy she had in previous pregnancies. The following are the most common symptoms of pregnancy in the first trimester.

Missed period

A missed menstrual period is often the first sign of pregnancy.
Sometimes a woman who is pregnant may still experience some bleeding or spotting during the forecast period.
This small amount of bleeding that occurs at the time of the expected menstrual period occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall and is considered implantation bleeding.

Any bleeding during pregnancy is generally lighter than that observed during the regular menstrual period.
 However, if a woman does not have regular menstrual cycles, she may notice other symptoms of early pregnancy before it is apparent that the menstrual period has been missed.
 A missed menstrual period does not confirm that a woman is pregnant, even though she has regular cycles, because the conditions in both physical and emotional can cause periods of absence or delay.

 Breast swelling, tenderness and pain

Feelings of breast swelling, tenderness, or pain are also frequently associated with early pregnancy.
 These symptoms are sometimes similar to the sensations in the breasts in the days before an expected menstrual period. Women may also describe a feeling of heaviness or fullness in the chest.
 These symptoms can begin in some women as early as one to two weeks after conception. Women may also experience worsening of the color of the area around the nipple (called the areola) and / or a dark line that goes from the middle of the abdomen area in the heart of the pubic area (known under the name Lena Nigeria).
 A certain degree of darkening of the areola persists after pregnancy many women, but the line Nigeria usually disappears within a few months the baby is born.

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are also common in early pregnancy.
Traditionally called "morning sickness", nausea and vomiting associated with early pregnancy can occur at any time of day or night. Its typical onset is between the second and eighth week of pregnancy.
Most women who suffer from morning sickness develop nausea and vomiting about a month after conception, but it can develop earlier in some women.

Elevations of estrogen that occur in early pregnancy are supposed to slow down the emptying of the stomach and may be linked to the evolution of nausea.
Accompanying the "morning sickness" feature might want to or aversions to specific foods or even smells.
It is not unusual for a pregnant woman to change her eating preferences, who often do not want to eat food past "favorites". In most women, nausea and vomiting begin to fade in the second trimester of pregnancy.
Fatigue and fatigue

Fatigue and fatigue are symptoms experienced by many women in the early stages of pregnancy.
 The cause of this fatigue has not been fully determined, but it is believed to be related to higher levels of the hormone progesterone.
 Fatigue is another symptom that can be experienced at the beginning, in the first weeks after conception.

Abdominal bloating

Some women may experience feelings of abdominal enlargement or bloating, but there is usually only a small amount of weight gain during the first trimester of pregnancy.
At this early stage of pregnancy weight gain of about one pound per month is typical.
Sometimes women also experience mild abdominal cramping during the early weeks of pregnancy, which may be similar to the cramping that occurs before or during the menstrual period.

Frequent urination

A woman in the early stages of pregnancy may feel she has to urinate frequently, especially at night, and it can lead to leakage of urine with coughing, sneezing, or laughing. Increased desire to urinate may cause both physical and hormonal times.
 Once the embryo is implanted in the uterus, it begins to produce a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is supposed to stimulate frequent urination.
Another cause of frequent urination that develops later is the pressure exerted by the growing uterus on the bladder.

Elevated basal temperature

A basal body temperature persistent elevation (measured first thing in the morning oral temperature before exiting the bed) is another characteristic sign of early pregnancy.
 A rise in basal body temperature occurs shortly after ovulation and continues until the next menstruation occurs.
The persistence of high basal body temperature beyond the duration of the expected menstrual period is another sign of early pregnancy.

Melasma (darkening of the skin)

Some women may develop a so-called "mask of pregnancy" in the first quarter, referring to a darkening of the skin on the forehead, bridge of the nose, upper lip, or cheeks.
 Dark skin is generally present on both sides of the face. Doctors refer to this condition as melasma or chloasma, and it is more common in women with darker skin than those with lighter skin.
 Melasma may also occur in some conditions other than pregnancy. Women who have a family history of melasma are more likely to develop this sign of pregnancy.

The mood swings and stress

The mood swings and stress are common symptoms reported by many women in the early stages of pregnancy.
Many women in the early stages of pregnancy describe feelings of heightened emotions or even crying spells.
 The rapid changes in hormone levels are suspected of causing these mood changes. Pregnant women may also notice more rapid and drastic changes in their moods.

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