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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ensure your child's dental health

By definition, the teeth are temporary. However, just because they will eventually be put under a pillow waiting for the tooth fairy does not mean that the dental health of children can go overlooked.

Taking care of the gums and teeth of your child helps to ensure that the adult teeth will be in good shape when they come, besides starting a dental plan sooner teach your children good habits to last a lifetime. Here are some guidelines to promote healthy living smile.

First things 

So how early should start dental care? Before the teeth have even started to look through your child's gums. From birth, you need to massage your baby's gums with a clean, soft cloth to remove the bacteria delicate fabric cloth.

When your baby's teeth begin to show, buy a toothbrush and special toothpaste to clean infant baby grass campers. (You can also pick teething rings to ease the discomfort, he or she may feel like the teeth come in.)

Also, avoid making your bottle of milk or juice at bedtime. Although treatment can be soothing for your child, it can lead to tooth decay because the sugars of these drinks. In fact, sucking on a bottle too long at any time of the day is not ideal for dental health, then try to wean your baby from the nipple as soon as you feel it is appropriate.

First dentist baby

Take your child to a pediatric dentist when their teeth start coming in is an additional guarantee to make sure you do everything correctly and to treat orthodontic problems or jaw early. Generally, these tours start around the first birthday of a child.

Around 2 years, your child will be able to spit, so at this point you can begin teaching good brushing habits. Continue to show him or her how to tweak with a spoonful of hazelnut paste and moving in gentle circular motions from the gum line set twice a day until about 5 years when habits are formed.

Even after your baby is able to brush your teeth clean, you might want to ask the dentist sealants that prevent bacteria and sugars cause cavities. In addition, be sure to ask about fillings and fluoride treatments to keep decay at bay.

Mock dental

Small children learn best with visual and hands-on performances, so just explain the harmful effects of sugar, bacteria and plaque may be ineffective. Instead, try some of those recommended by the American Dental Association to nail the maintenance of dental health activities.

     Drill a small hole in an otherwise blank apple. The hole can be immediately perceptible, but check back a day or two later. The hole is likely to become larger and brown, which looks like a tooth cavity and show the children how quickly decay can occur.

    Have your child and his friends rinse with water colored with food coloring, making sure they spit at the end. Give them all the mirrors so they can see how the plate along their gum lines and between their teeth suddenly shows up, providing a visual for how widespread this substance causing caries in the mouth. Then, you can use the floss away from the color plate, brushing and rinsing until those pearly whites proudly display.

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