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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Why is my baby crying?

4 Tips When your baby will not sleep as other
the journey of parenting is easier when you do not have to travel alone. When you work with other parents, sharing ideas and experiences, travel tends to feel a little easier.

But there is another side to this, of course.

 When traveling along with other parents, and you compare their experiences to yours, you can sometimes get the impression that you have any short:

    "Her baby sucks so well - why not mine?"

    "It is so quiet, relaxed father. Why can not I feel this way?

    "Their baby cries almost never mine cry all the time!"

And there are few things that compare parents more frequently than sleeping habits of their babies:

    "Your baby naps for two hours twice a day! I'm lucky to have 30 minutes! '

    "Wait - you do not breastfeed your baby to sleep? I thought everyone should. '

    "Your baby has started sleeping through the night at 10 weeks? SERIOUSLY! '

It can be so easy to feel like you lose when you play the game of comparing sleep, especially if you are surrounded by families whose babies sleep through the night at a young age and take naps regular marathon. So how are you supposed to handle this? What do you do when your baby will not sleep like everyone else is?

Do not worry, Today, we present four simple steps to deal with this kind of situation.
The 4 stages of handling the "My baby will not sleep your baby as a" problem

If you are facing the "why does not my baby sleep like everyone is" problem, try to follow this four-step process:

    Determine what is actually "normal." This is an important first step. When you are looking for other families, and comparing their babies to yours, do not forget that babies are not necessarily an indicator of what is standard or average. Yes, your baby sister may have started to sleep through the night at 3 months, but it definitely does not mean that it is a common practice for babies everywhere!

    Instead, focus on what is considered "normal" for your baby's age. Our sleep and feeding schedules provide an easy way for you to get an overview of the standard average amounts of sleep for your baby. And remember, when it comes to sleep, "normal" is always a spectrum.
    Take your family's unique situation into account. Babies are the same, no two families are the same, either! Some families put baby to sleep in his own bed, while other families are proud co-sleepers. Some parents work at night. Some families live in generational households. Some families have to deal with health problems. And the list goes on.

    Your family probably specific factors at work, too, and it is important to remember that these factors may well affect your baby's sleep. And since the families of your friends are not identical to yours, it is logical that their babies can sleep a little differently.
    Determine how you really feel about your baby's sleep. Too often, parents feel very competitive baby sleep: who is "better", which is "right." It is easy to get caught up in it. But remember, "baby sleep" is not an Olympic sport. You can not win a medal in it! So do not get caught in the competition.

    Instead, really analyze how you feel about the sleep habits of your baby. If your 9 month old baby still wakes up once during the night to nurse - does that bother you? Some of you might say yes, but others will probably say no. If your baby does not like to nap at the same time each day - Do you mind? Again, some say yes, others say no.

    There are two things to ask yourself here: "This is my baby getting enough sleep?" And "I feel good about the sleep habits of my baby? If the answer to both questions is "yes", then you know what? You have won. You are a winner. It does not matter what your mother or your neighbor, or your best friend thinks your sleeping baby, if you agree with the habits of your baby's sleep (and if your baby is getting enough sleep every day), then you win. Contest ends.

    If necessary, make changes in sleep habits for your baby. Of course, once you have completed Step 3, and analyzed how you feel about sleep habits for your baby, you can come to the conclusion that you do not like one bit! If this is the case, then by all means, make changes!

    If your baby wakes up often at night, then take steps to begin the formation of sleep. If your baby is napping irregular and chaotic (or perhaps even nonexistent!), Then begin to create a daytime schedule to help her nap more regularly.

    But do not do these things because you want to "win," or because you feel obligated. Do not start training sleep panic fear that "everyone" baby sleeps "right" way, and yours is not. No, the train because you want to sleep, because it is something that you feel is important for your baby.

    Nicole Rating:
    "I have two boys, one who was a" hard "sleeper and it was" easier "(not perfect). However, the "easier" bed was a horrible tither. As they grew up, they were both "easy" and "hard" in their own way. We threw some stuff in the toilet and did other things like that while the other would never do that! So even if your sleep is "more difficult" may simply mean that it will be "easier" in another way. Try not to feel the pressure she must be "perfect" or easy in every way. It is unfair to her and unfair to you. '

It is good to be part of a community. It is good to have friends to walk beside you as you work your relative small. (Some of these friends may be able to assist you in training sleep - what a blessing this can be!) But remember that when you surround yourself with other parents, things can start to feel competitive. Protect yourself against that as best you can and just focus on doing your best. If you do this (and heap as much love as possible about your toddler), you can not go wrong!

Did you feel the "baby sleeps better than my baby" pressure? How did you deal with it? Share your tips below!

Please do not forget to pick up your free copy of 5 (without chips) How to help your child sleep through the night, with our e-book without tears tips to help your baby sleep better. For those persistent nighttime struggles, check out The 3-step system to help your baby to sleep (babies) or 5-Step System to sleep better infant (infants). With a unique approach and practical tools to succeed, our e-books help you and your baby to sleep through the night and nap better. For those seeking a more customized solution for your unique situation with support along the way, please consider one-on-one baby and toddler sleep consultations, where you will receive a monitoring plan customized ™ You can feel good! Sometimes it is not that you can not make a plan. Sometimes you are too tired.

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