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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Boy or girl

Boy or girl: Ways fun to know the sex of your baby

Old Wives Tales & fun ways to "guess" Pink or Blue:

There is no shortage of people out there who say non-medical ways of knowing the sex of your baby. Most of these tracks are inaccurate old wives tales. They are fun to play with and most do not involve something dangerous. Some of the most common involve wedding rings or spinning movement, size or shape of your pregnant belly and other questions about pregnancy cravings or positioning bed. Pay attention to some of the summaries that include chemicals like Drano.
How do you know if your baby is a girl or a boy?:

The most common method used to determine the sex of your baby's ultrasound or ultrasound. This method is more accurate between 18-22 weeks. It is normally the fetal anatomy survey done in the middle of the second quarter.

At this stage, it is generally easier to determine the sex of the baby. Earlier dates are generally too difficult to tell and then rises to become difficult due to congestion in the uterus.

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