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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Makeup Ideas

Some basic tips and makeup ideas for teens!

You wonder why everyone looks at you? Not because you're looking gorgeous, it's your makeup disaster that everyone watched, ouch! Girls love makeup, but few know the tact to apply.

It is very important to know the basics of applying makeup, especially for teenagers because they are new to the world of fashion, style and makeover. So here are some tips to apply and remove makeup from your cheek with some style ideas.

    Wash your hands and face-This may seem obvious, but it is the first step that is needed to comply. Always make sure your face is completely clean before applying anything about it. Buy a good cleanser dermatologically tested to clean all the grime and oil from the skin.

    Apply a moisturizing cream-Before you begin anything, sunscreen, whatever the time of year. It is advised to apply a separate moisturizer and sunscreen to get the best effect FPS.

    Smooth-With a concealer or foundation brush, gently dab a light shade of concealer under the eyes to cover dark circles, if any. Now, dab your finger on the dark spots and pigments on the skin. Using a concealer instead of foundation gives better results.

    Pat-In cases of acne, mineral makeup should be the preferred choice. Use prescriptive and avoid using any not expensive stuff on your face. Remember that the skin is the largest organ of respiration which is also a good circulation. Do not stick your makeup so that block pores become.

    Use a comb to brush or clean mascara brush to comb your eyebrows to arch up and through as well. If you have fuller eyebrows, you can skip the step of filling the eyebrows.

    Blush You can do naturally to him, right! No kidding, you must apply a gel blush on your temples. You can also travel along the cheekbone, if you desire. Combine circular towards the temples.

    Curl and Apply You can use an eye-Lasher to curl up and then apply the mascara. Always use layers to top lashes and the remains of those below. Otherwise, you'll ruin the appearance of your eyes.

    Lip balm and gloss before applying lip gloss, lip balm is very important to make your lips soft. Now you can use a dark sexy or nude colored gloss to enhance the beauty.

Always remember that makeup can make or break your look. So, apply with appropriate ideas in a way that enhances your beauty. Never too much.
  Shadow-Use a brush to apply a light shade of cream on your eyelids. If you want a beige look soft bronze color is also good. You can also use some of the crisp white linen. It looks amazingly sexy.

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