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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Lose belly fat without any exercising

Step 1
Eating breakfast. Eat when you wake up even if you're not hungry. If you skip breakfast, it can lead to cravings, which will ruin your diet.

Step 2
 Drink more ice water.
 The colder the water you drink, the more calories you burn, since your body expends more energy warming up the water. If you have 8 glasses (64 Oz) of ice-cold water in a day, you'll burn 70 more calories than if you drank 8 glasses of a body temperature beverage. In fact, this principle will work with any calorie-free beverage, as long as it's ice cold, so you might want to ice up that coffee and tea mentioned earlier for cumulative calorie-burning effects. Keep in mind, however, that the weight loss impact of this one particular practice isn't drastic: It would take 435 glasses of ice water (about two months, assuming 8 glasses a day) to lose one pound. And, don't go overboard. There's such a thing as water toxicity.

Step 3
Drinking green tea. Three cups of green tea a day can help you burn 90 extra calories. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says green tea speeds your metabolism by 4%.
Step 4
Avoid beer and other alcohol. There's a reason they call it a "beer belly." Beer and other alcohol are high in "empty" calories. Many of them contribute to fat that is stored in your belly.
Step 5
Don't eat within four hours of going to bed. Because you are less active at night, any excess calories in your system will lead to fat build up in your stomach. Attempt to eat your bulk of calories as early in the day as you can.
Step 6
Sleep some more. Sleep studies show people who get seven to eight hours of sleep every night have less belly fat than people who receive less than the recommended amount of sleep. When you sleep, your body produces a hormone that suppresses your appetite. When you don't sleep enough, it makes you feel more hungry and you lose your sense of fullness.

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